quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Yet Another Marzipan Chocolate

Review nr. 29!! Hey guys, I know I've reviewed mazipan chocolate before but I swear this one is different! (plus I really like marzipan chocolate... .-.) To start, this brand is cheaper and more common here in Portugal. The marzipan in these is not the usual soft almond paste, but an almond cream which contains alcohol. And finally, this is not a chocolate bar, but little chocolate cubes. (cute and helps with portion control)

Packaging: the chocolate comes in a red cardboard box with the Schogetten logo, pictures of the cubes and of some marzipan. Inside there is silver foil sorounding the cubes.

The cubes: the cubes are made of thick dark chocolate with white/beige almond cream inside. The top of the cube as a cute star/sun design.

The Flavour: I actually preffer the chocolate in these to the fancy one. It's thicker and richer, more noticeable. The cream is really nice, doesn't have as great of a texture as the other one but still good. I really like these, I really do.

Rating: 8,3 out of 10
Overall, really good chocolate. I gave them a slightly higher rating than the other one for the chocolate quality alone. If you like marzipan, pick these up because they're yummy and easier to find.

Store: Continente

Price: unknown

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