terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2013

PassionFruit Chocolate

 Review nr. 14! Since this blog is read by people outside of Portugal, I decided to also review some portuguese products that are a little unusual (so I can show some of our culture to foreigners and still keep my portuguese readers interested).
So, Regina is a portuguese chocolate company, amongst the traditional chocolate flavours, it also produces a range of fruit flavoured chocolate bars. My favourite one is the Passion Fruit flavoured one. And that's what this review is going to be about!
Packaging: The chocolate bar comes wrapped in purple plastic with the Regina Logo and a picture of some chocolate and some beautiful passion fruits.

The Chocolate Bar: The chocolate bar is thin, devided into 4 squares with little stripes in the center. It's all chocolate, it has no kind of cream in the middle.

The Flavour: The bar is plain milk chocolate with a strong, but not sickening, passion fruit flavouring. Regina chocolate is pretty high quality, sweet and rich with a creamy texture. It mixes perfectly with the passion fruit to the point where you can taste both flavours without one overpowering the other. It's so yummy and decadent, a real treat I offer myself when I'm feeling down (yes I eat this when I'm sad, don't judge :c)

Rating: 9,5 out of 10
Overal, really good, if you live in Portugal give it a try (Regina also makes strawberry, orange and pineapple flavoured ones) don't be scared of the different flavours, if you like passion fruit you'll love it.

Store: Continente
Price: 1,59 (a pack of 3)

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