sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013

Mochi: Melon Flavour

Day 3! (Starting go get a real work routine going guys! Proud of my lazy self *o* self five!)
Today we'll be discussing mochi, ladies and gentleman! "What is mochi?" you may ask. Well, mochi is a japanese cake/dessert made out of glutinous rice flower. The rice is pounded into a chewy paste that is shaped into a ball and filled with some kind of flavouring.
My friends know that I've been fascinated by mochi and that I had a bad experience with it the first time I tried it...Basically, I was at an asian convention with some friends and Fii (making you famous girl, you better apreciate it XDD) decided to buy mochi. Well, the less expensive one was a purple "taro flavor" one, she got that one. Taro, for those who (like us at the time) don't know, is a root vegetable. I think you can already figure out that it tasted awful.
The texture though, was great, chewy and fun fun fun, like eatible playdough! ( I know that doesn't sound yummy but you get my point u.u) So I wanted to try the other, more expensive flavours of mochi. Today, I give you melon mochi!

Packaging: This pack of melon mochi comes with 3 mochi balls in a plastic tray, covered in clear plastic with green tips, a drawing of a melon and something in japanese (I don't know japanese, sorry .-.)

Appearance: The mochi is pale green, covered in flower, shaped like a ball and highly squeeshy (it's food though, so dont play with it u.u altough I kind of did...) Inside it has some white substance (possibly more flower) and melon jam.

Taste: The rice paste itself is slightly startchy but pretty much flavourless, the jam is yummy, sweet and really tastes like an actual melon. I personally think the rice paste to jam porportion isn't that well balanced out, once you bite into it you have too much paste and not enough jam so the taste is really mild and not that sweet. If that was corrected (I did see pictures of mochi online with a lot more filling) I'm sure they would be totally delishious.

 Rating: 8,2 out of 10
Over all, I did like it, it is way better than the taro one. The jam is the absolute best part, of course, really melon like. If you want to to try something new and enjoy different textures, I highly recomend it! If you don't like it you can just play with it LOL

Store: Tsubaki - Praça Afrânio Peixoto, Nº 13 A. 1000-009 Lisboa. 
Price: 2,95 euros (4,95 for a package with 8 mochi balls)

4 comentários:

  1. Yay, I'm famous xD!
    Everything is better than Taro flavoured Mochi :/...
    Fi, xx

    1. XDD there's one or two things that are worse, but it's defenetly in my "never eat again" list

  2. as food, taro flavoured mochi is an awesome toy xDD

    1. XDD they should put on the package "food you won't eat but play with!" XDD
