quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

Coconut M&M's

Hey guys, day two of my food reviewings! (trying to commit to this blog XD it's harder than you think) So, today I'm gonna talk about an all-time favourite candy, M&M's! Who doesn't like M&M's right? They're small, highly addictive and delishious! Here in Portugal we have two types of M&M's, regular chocolate ones or peanut ones, and they're both pretty great. So when I found Coconut M&M's I decided to try them.

The package: at the store, coconut M&M's were sold in this little white platic bags. The front has the M&M logo with a picture of the M&M's and Ms. M&M, the green one. It clearly states the amount of calories per package as well as a little coconut advertising that they have artificial coconut flavoring.

The M&M's: Coconut M&M's are round and come in 3 colors: white, green and brown. Size wise, they're larger than the chocolate ones but smaller than the average peanut ones. They're candy coated like all M&M's and have coconut flavoured chocolate on the inside. (I bit half of one to show you the inside, I expected it to have little bits of shaved coconut in it, sadly it doesn't)

Flavour: As the package says, the coconut flavor is artificial so, sadly, there is no actual coconut on the M&M's. Texture wise I think it would be more interesting if the chocolate inside had little pieces of coconut mixed in. However, the artificial flavouring in these is quite good, noticeable but not too strong so it doesn't become sickening (like when you eat Bounty and by the beggining of the secong chocolate you get kinda sick? does that only happen to me?).

Rating: 7,5 out of 10
Over all, pretty good for coconut lovers, definitely recomend it. Still prefer the peanut ones though :p

Store: Glood - Avenida João XXI 11, 1000-298 Lisboa 
Price:1,49 euros 

3 comentários:

  1. I don't care about you're rating, I love it ok u-u (icona pop reference) xDD

  2. XDD I got it, hey you admited the peanut ones were better!
