domingo, 21 de julho de 2013

Beer Tartlets

Review nr. 19!! Today I'll be reviewing some somewhat unusual Portuguese pasteries: beer tartlets or "queijadas de cerveja" in portuguese. These are traditional portuguese pastries that have beer mixed into the batter.

The Package: you can get these at a cafe in Lisbon, they come in a regular white cardboard box for pasteries, with the cafe logo in blue.

The Tartlets: They come in a hard traditional tartlet shell, the top is crispy and crumbly, but the inside is really moist, like cheesecake or undercooked cake batter.

The Taste: these do not taste like beer at all. For those that eat this knowing there is beer in it you may notice a bitter aftertaste like you get from beer. Aside from that, the moist inside mostly taste like a "pastel de feijão" a white bean based Portuguese pastery, just sweet and rich, really good. The crunchiness from the top and the hard shell give it great texture.

Rating: 8,5 out of 10
Pretty good, not well known but defenetly tasty. Portuguese readers, pick these up!

Store: Queijadas de Belém (also available at the Campo Grande metro station)

Price: 1 euro per tartlet, less if you buy bigger quantities

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