Packaging: Choco Banana Pocky comes in a yellow box with the Pocky logo in black, pictures of the pocky sticks, an adorable monkey and some yummy looking banana slices with chocolate syrup. Inside there's a silver plastic bag with Glico (the company that produces Pocky) written all over it, it contains about 12 sticks (the banana boxes are smaller than the chocolate ones)
The Pocky Sticks: The choco banana pocky sticks are as long and thin as the chocolate ones. They're made chocolate biscuit covered with a banana flavoured cream.
Rating: 10,5 out of 10
Overall, not as heavinly delishious as the chocolate ones to me (my mom does not agree, she loves these above all other flavours of Pocky) but still one of the best things you'll ever eat. Pick these up, for sure!!
Store: Store: Tsubaki - Praça Afrânio Peixoto, Nº 13 A. 1000-009 Lisboa.
Price: 2 euros
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