quinta-feira, 11 de julho de 2013

Cookies 'N Cream Bites

 Review nr. 9! (can't believe I almost made 10 of these :o) This time I found something called Cookie Dough Bites, never eard of something like that before (we aren't even big on cookie dough ice cream here in Portugal) so I picked a box up. These ones are Cookies 'N Cream flavour, which I think is like oreo flavour...? (I don't know guys, it looked yummy, that's all I needed to know to buy it).

Packaging: These come in a blue cardboard box advertising the flavour of the cookie dough bites (it looks like oreos and milk right?). Inside the box there is a clear plastic package with the bites.

The Cookie Dough Bites: The actual cookie bite is a white chocolate or cookie dough (I'm not sure, I even asked for second opinions and nobody knows) ball with pieces of oreo cookie, they're uneven on size and shape, like they're hand roled.

The taste: The white stuff (I'll have to call it that since I don't know what it is...don't start thinking dirty things u.u) has a sweet, vanillay taste and the cookie bits just taste like oreos. The cookie parts are really small though, so the oreo flavour isn't very noticeable. They're pretty sweet though so don't think you'll eat an entire box of these, one or too is enough. On vanilla ice-cream they would probably be good though. Plain, they're not bad but not specially good.

Rating: 5 out of 10
Overall, too sweet for me. Not bad but nothing special, Give it a try if you're curious.

Store: Glood - Avenida João XXI 11, 1000-298 Lisboa 
Price: 2,55 euros

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