domingo, 7 de julho de 2013

Chocolate Pocky!

Review nr. 4 guys! This time I bring you a treat known and loved by everyone who (like me) likes japanese culture and food: Pocky!
For those of you who don't know what Pocky is, it's a light, crispy, bisquit stick covered in chocolate or some other flavouring.
If you live in Portugal or any other european coutry you may be familiar with the european version of pocky, Mikado, produced by LU. LU is actually owned by Glico, the japonese company that makes pocky.
Today I'll be reviewing the most common flavour of pocky: chocolate flavour!

Packaging: chocolate pocky comes in a red box with "Pocky" written in white and a drawing of the actual pocky sticks. Most of the things on the box are written in thaiwanese (yes, these japonese treats are actually produced in thaiwanese factories). Inside the box there is a silver package with around 20 pocky sticks.

Taste: How shall I describe this delight of angels? It is the most delishious cookie type of thing I've ever tasted. Defenitly my favourite snack ever, I could eat an entire box of those in one sitting (I try not to though .-.). The chocolate coating tastes amazing, japanese dark chocolate is sweeter and tastes completly different from european chocolate. The bisquit is very light and crunchy and not too thick for the amount of chocolate. Just freakin perfect! (I seriously could live off of this snacks guys .-.)

Rating: 11 out of 10 (c'mon guys it's over the top yummy!)
People, listen to me, this is serious, if you can buy pocky somewhere near you, DO IT! And get ready for your world to change and your mind to be blown. You will NOT be disapointed!

Store: Tsubaki - Praça Afrânio Peixoto, Nº 13 A. 1000-009 Lisboa. 
Price: 2,20 euros

6 comentários:

  1. Great, now I want to eat pocky...
    I agree with the rating :D

  2. I still have some :3 gonna get so fat thanks to this blog XDD

  3. yo other food's, you guys are really tasteful and everything, but pocky is one of the best foods of all time xD
