segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Asian Marshmallows

 Review nr. 50!! Omg guys 50 is a big number :o I'm so glad most of you still stick arround :')
So today, I'm tasting some more assorted candies but they are both marshmallows! Lets taste them!

Packaging: These two types of marshmallows come in different packages. The first one comes in a pink plastic bag with little roses and a bigger red rose. The second one comes in a half clear/half red plastic bag with golden decorations.

The Marshmallows: Both Marshmallows are small white balls. They seem a little softer than regular marshmallows to me. The interesting thing about these ones is that they both have jam on the inside. The first one has red jam and the second has yellow jam.

Flavour: I really enjoyed this ones.The texture of them is just great, extra fluffy, and the mix of the jam inside is a delishious surprise. The jam on the first one is red and I think it's suposed to be strawberry but it has some hints of citrus in there. The second one, with the yellow jam, tastes like artificial pineapple. That one is my favourite.

Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall, really nice marshmallows. I prefer the pineapple one but they are both lovely and different. Give them a try!

Store: Supermercado Huai Ta Li

Price: (unknown)

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Strawberry Yogurt with Nata de Coco

 Review nr.49!! Hey guys, I'm back with a drink for you! So basically, asians love jellow-like textures. And as so, they love to put nata de coco on pretty much everything! Even yogurt like this. I bring you: Strawberry Yogurt with Nata de Coco!

Packaging: The yogurt comes in a white plastic bottle with a pink cap. It has a drawing up front of the yogurt, some strawberries and nata de coco pieces,

The Yogurt: The yogurt is really liquid, like milk, and totally white. The pieces of nata d coco are jellatinous and clear. It smells like artificial strawberry.

The Flavour: This is some really nice yogurt. The artificial strawberry flavour is really yummy and I'm really loving the asian trend of jellow textures in drinks, so the nata de coco bits are just lovelly. Really good drink!

Rating: 8,5 out of 10
Overall, really good yogurt! If you like jellow in your drinks give it a shot, they have other flavours!

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,95 euros

quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013

Seaweed Fish Crackers

 Review nr. 48!! Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting every day, it's due to health issues (I get really bad migraines and I just can't be on the computer when that happens). But today I'm here with another snack! This time we have seawead crackers with a bonus, they are shaped like cute fish! Lets eat some fish!

Packaging: The crackers come in a blue and white plastic bad with the brand "Oishi" (delishious in japanese) and a picture of the crackers.

The crackers: The crackers have an adorable fish shape. They are slightly orange and springled with seaweed.

The Flavour: these are really good, pretty addictive. The are very light and crispy. They have a corn snack flavour (they are corn based crackers) mix with the flavour of the delishous seaweed sauce on the outside. I really like these.

Rating: 8,7 out of 10
Overall, really good, extremelly addictive. Try them out!

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,95 euros

terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

Strawberry Mochi

 Review nr. 47!! Hey guys, I've found another mochi flavour! Let us rejoice! This time we have strawberry mochi! Lets try it.

Packaging: This pack of mochi (like all the other fruit flavoured ones) comes with 3 mochi balls in a clear plastic tray. The tray is wrapped in clear plastic with pink edges and a drwing of a strawberry on the front.

The mochi: The mochi is a squichy pink ball covered in flower. Like all the others, the inside has jam and a white substance that i can never identify. It smells like strawberry.

The taste: The rice paste tastes the same, every time. The jam on these ones doesn't taste like real strawberry, it tastes like artificial strawberry flavouring. As in all the other fruit mochi, I have to complain about the low amount of jam in these, they would be a lot better if there was more. None the less, these are my favourite fruit mochi so far.

Rating: 8,4 out of 10
Overall, these are the best fruit flavoured mochi, to me. Although I still prefer the peanut ones over all. If you like strawberry, try these.

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 1,50 euros

segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013

Coconut Taffy

 Review nr. 46!! Hey guys, I now bring you another assorted asian sweet. This time, thanks to the packaging, I could see right away that it was coconut flavoured and soft, so no mystery there. Anyway, lets review!

Packaging: This candy comes in a clear plastic bag with yellow lines and a picture of a coconut, telling us the flavour of the candy.

The candy: the candy is a soft, sticky cube. It has a cream/off-white color and smells like coconut.

Flavour: This has a mild coconut flavour. More coconuty than coconut water but less than shaved coconut. I suspect this may be a nata de coco based sweet. The texture is really sticky, it will defenetly get stuck in your teeth. If you like coconut and sticky stuff, it's a pretty good candy.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10
Overall, nice sweet if you're a coconut lover and like gooey stuff. Give it a shot!

Store: Supermercado Huai Ta Li

Price: (unknown since it was bought by the pound)

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

S'mores Pop Tarts

Review nr. 45!! Guy, today I bring you the ever so famous: Pop Tarts! Ok so, I've always been curious about pop tarts because they're really high in calouries so I wanted to know if they were worth the extra pounds (seriously guys, they have 200 calories per pop tart! That's like half of a big meal :o) So, let's check these out!

Packaging: These come in a pack of two, is a blue plastic bag. The bag is decorated with the Pop tarts logo, a picture of the tarts and an anouncement of the flavour (I got the s'mores flavour because it looked delishious!). They also anounce in the package that the tarts have 8 vitamins and minerals.

The tart: The tarts have a light brown cookie exterior (like a Graham cracker, I supose) with some brown frosting on top. On the inside we have a chocolate syrup and marshmallow cream filling.

The Taste: Ok so these won me over. I'm not sure they are woth 200 calories per tart, but they are pretty darn good. The cracker is soft and flacky, not very flavoured but the sweet frosting makes up for it. The filling is super yummy! Nice gooey marshmallow and ultra sweet rich chocolate. So Yummy!

Rating: 9 out of 10
Overall, against my better judgement, I can't help but repurchase these. I'll probably try all the flavours I can and you should too!

Store: Glood

Price: 2,55 euros

sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2013

Mystery Asian Hard Candy

Review nr. 44!! Last review of the day! Back to Asia!
So, last time I was at one of the asian supermarket I saw a couple of assorted unamed candies and I decided to pick some up. This hard candy was one of them. I originaly thought it was a chinese, milk hard candy (because I heard of those and this one kind of looks like them). Boy was I wrong!

Packaging: These come individually wrapped in clear plastic with red and golden edges.

The Candy: The hard candy is mostly white with golden edges. Kind of has a long pillow shape. It has no smell.

The Taste: Ok guys, this was one of the biggest surprises I've ever had, really! I was expecting something like milk but it was nothing like it. This candy tastes like cream and PEANUTS! It's a peanut flavoured hard candy! Good, but so strange!

Rating: 6,5 out of 10
Overall, wierd and different, just the kind of thing I like to show you guys. Peanut lovers, give it a shot!

Store: Supermercado Hua Ta Li

Price: (I don't know guys because all the candy I bought was paid by the pound)

Biscoitos de Polvilho

Review nr. 43!! From the U.S.A to South America, lets go to Brazil! We'll now be tasting "biscoitos de polvilho".
"Biscoitos de polvilho" are made from a simple dough of water, milk, oil and "polvilho azedo" (which is fermented cassada startch). The dough goes into the oven where it expands into a crunchy, airy snack.

Packaging: These come in a red and green plastic bag with the "Vale D'ouro" logo and letters anouncing that these "biscoitos" are pizza flavoured.

The "biscoitos": These are kind of shaped like irregular peanuts. They have a pale yellow color and smells slightly cheesy.

Flavour: These actually taste like pizza! The flavour is a mix of oregano and cheese, maybe a little tomato too. Really good, highly adictive. The texture is also lovely, airy and crunchy. I really like them

 Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall, I really like these, but I pretty much love everything that tastes like pizza, so I'm biased. Still, give them a shot!

Store: Glood

Price: 1,60 euros

Cherry 7Up

Review nr. 42!! 2º review of the 4 review marathon! Now guys, lets go from China to the U.S.A for some Cherry 7Up!!
So, I'm a big fan of regular 7Up, it's nice and refreshing, a total classic. Maybe that's why we only have regular 7Up here in Portugal. But in America they have other flavours such as this lovely looking Cherry 7Up. Let's taste it!

Packaging: Cherry 7Up comes in a pink can with the 7Up logo and a cute, bubble like pattern. The top and bottom of the can are a normal silver color.

The Drink: The drink is carbonated. I imagined it to be a pinkish color, I was wrong. The drink is clear in color, like regular 7Up (even better, less chemicals). It smells like cherries.

The Flavour:  This is pretty nice. It tastes a lot like artificial cherry, like cherry lollipops! It's not real cherry but it's good! I still prefer the regular one but I did enjoy this one too.

Rating: 7,5 out of 10
Overall, pretty nice if you like artificial cherry flavour. I still like the lemon/lime one better.

Store: Glood

Price: 0,80 euros

Moon Cake

Review nr. 41!! Hey guys, I'm back from my vacation so now you can expect daily updates again! Yay! So today I'll review 4 things, the first being this: the Chinese Moon Cake!
I first heard of these cakes when I was younger from a cartoon called "The Jackie Chan Adventures"(have you ever watched that? I used to really like those cartoons!).
These cakes are ususally made for the Mid-Autumn Festival, when people worship and watch the moon, hence the name.
Packaging: These come in a clear plastic tray surounded by clear plastic with some gold designes on the edges.

The Cake: This is a really beautiful cake, you don't see this kind of attention to detail in most pastries! The thin crust is highly decorated with a chinese character and some leaf-like patterns. The inside is traditionally filled with a thick layer of lotus seed or red bean paste and one or two egg yolks. Mine, however, has a red been paste filling and no egg yolks.

The Flavour: The outside is really thin and soft. The inside layer, although it's red bean paste like anpan, has a different flavour. I'll justify that with the amount of paste in these being a lot higher. This red bean paste has a sweet, really nutty flavour, like really sweet peanuts. It's nice but a little overly sweet for me.

Rating: 6,5 out of 10
Overall, too sweet for me but good. The kind of cake that is made to share, I don't believe a person could eat all of it alone.

Store: Supermercado Hua Tai Li

Price: 2,25 euros

segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2013

Fresh Meat Dumplings

 Review nr. 40!! So guys, one of the asian food stores I shop at, Hua Ta Li, has a fresh food counter. It sells stuff like freshly made anpan and onigiri (japanese rice balls with seaweed). They also sell meat dumplings and when I saw they were still warm, I had to buy them!

Packaging: Since they are freshly made these just came in 3s in a simple plastic bag. (not much to say here)

The Dumplings: these are covered in soft white pasta that has been made slightly brown and crispy at the bottom from toutching the pan. The filling is a combination of meat, soy sauce and vegetables that is similar to the filling of a spring role.

The flavour: This is pretty damn yummy guys. The pasta is nice and soft and the inside is delishious! The mix of meaty, oniony, and soy sauce flavours is absolutely lovely. Will repurchase!

Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall, super yummy, if you can get it please do, it's rare to find them this fresh!

Store: Supermercado Hai Ta Li

Price: 1 euro

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Lychee Jellow with "Nata de Coco"

 Review nr. 39!! This time guys, I am bringing you another asian jellow! You know how much I like these, right? So this is lychee jellow with little white cubes inside. At fist I thought the cubes where actual lychee, then I read the lids and found out they are actually "nata de coco". What is nata de coco? Well it is fermented coconut water that turns chewy and really sweet. Interesting...lets try it!

Packaging: These come in a two pack. The jellow cups come in a cardboard tray and are wrapped in clear plastic. The jellow cups have clear plastic bottoms and grean plastic lids with pictures of lychees.

The Jellow: the jellow is clear and contains some big white cubes of nata de coco. Those are a lot firmer and chewier than the jellow.

The Flavour: I really enjoyed this. The jellow has a lovely, sweet canned lychee taste and the nata de coco doesn't actually taste like coconut but it's sweet and chewy, great textural element.

Rating: 8 out of 10
Overall, really nice dessert. If you like lychees and jellow, you will surelly enjoy this!

Store: Supermercado Hua Ta Li

Price: 1,55 euros

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Tropical Sunkist

 Review nr. 38!! Final review of the day!
Ok so, a couple of days ago I did a review on the Mango Sunkist (which wasn't very yummy unless you like the aftertaste of medicine...) but I bought another Sunkist flavour to try: Tropical Sunkist!

Packaging: the drink comes in a red can with a green floral design on the backround and the sunkist logo surounded by blue, wave like, lines. The top and bottom of the can are silver.

The Drink: The drink is carbonated. It's a really ligh, almost clear, white colour.

The Flavour: I don't know about you guys, but when I see something that is "tropical flavour" I asume it's a tutti-frutti, tropical fruits kind of flavour. Well I was wrong. As you may have suspected (like I did) from the colour, this does not taste tropical at all. It does, however, taste like sweet lemonade. I personally like it a lot (for those of you who are portuguese, it tastes like lemon Sumol, just a little more artificial) but I was not expecting this. It got me confused.

Rating: 7, 5 out of 10
Overall, really nice and tasty but not tropical at all. If you like lemon sodas, give it a try!

Store: (random 1 euro store I don't remember the name)

Price: 1 euro

Honey Sweetened Milk and Tea Drink

 Review nr. 37!! Second review of the day, alright!
Back to drinks. This is something that really caught my eye, tea with milk, sweetened with honey. I like tea with milk and I like honey so why not?

Packaging: The tea comes in a clear plastic bottle with an orange cap and a white and yellow banner around.

The Tea: The tea looks just like regular tea with milk: light brown, milky and opaque.

The Flavour: This one was a really big letdown for me guys. I'm a really big tea lover and regual black (english breakfast) tea is one of my favourites, and this was suposed to be just that. But, what do you know, this doesn't taste like black tea at all. This just tastes very florally and milky, you can't taste the honey or the regular black tea flavour at all. Plus it was not very sweet at all. I'm not sure if black tea in asia is different, but i defenetly did not like this drink. Sad moment guy :c

Rating: 3 out of 10
Overall, not my thing at all. If you like florally tea flavours, this can work for you.

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,95 euros

Sweet Potato Mochi

Review nr. 36!! Once again guys, so sorry for not keeping my regular writing schedule, today I'll do 3 reviews to make it up! (hope that's ok, I've been trying my best to keep these going :x)
 To kick things off, I'll keep exploring the wonderfully fluffy world of Mochi! This time with sweet potato mochi!
So, I've tried sweet potatoes before, roasted or fried, I like them. But it's kind of a luck thing, when they are really nice and sweet, they are amazing, when they're not, they kind of taste like carrots (which I hate). Anyways, lets review!

Packaging: These come in a cardboard board with orange edges, a lovely picture of two mochi rolls and some "splashing milk"? as well as some little sweet potatoes. Inside, there is a plastic tray, covered by a clear plastic bag with some white bubbles drawn on it, with 5 mochi.

The Mochi: these mochi aren't balls like the other kinds I tried. They have more of a cilinder shape to them. They are a light yellow on the outside and have an orange and a whitish cream inside, which I supose are the sweet potato filling and whip cream.

Flavour: These...are not that interessting actually... the textural part is just like any other kind of mochi, same squichy consistensy. The flavour of the rice paste is the regular startchy, semi-flavourless one, the inside tastes very slightly like sweet potato, you can't taste the cream at all. I find them very bland, but my mom seems to like them.

Rating: 6 out of 10
Overall, not my favourite, but if you really like sweet potatoe, give them a shot.

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 2,50 euros

quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013

Passion Fruit Juice

Review nr. 35!! 2º review of the day, guys!  Back with the drinks, since I have a lot of them. If you've seen some of my other reviews, you know that I like passion fruit flavoured stuff, so when I saw they had a passion fruit drink, I had to give it a shot (by the way, I've tried other drinks with passion fruit, like orange and passion fruit juice, and they tasted great, but I've never had an all passion fruit drink).

Packaging: This comes in a white can, with a description of the product, the Foco logo and a picture of a passion fruit. The top and bottom of the can are a traditional silver color.

The Drink: the drink is non carbonated. It has a orange/yellow color. It smells really sweet.

The Flavour: This was such a big disapointment! It does not taste like passion fruit at all! It's suuuuuuper sweet, like overwelmingly sweet. It tastes like a non specific fruity flavour. Like tutti-frutti gone wrong.

Rating: 4 out of 10
Overall, I hated it, too sweet, not passion fruit flavoured. Big disapointment.

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,90 euros


Review nr. 34!! Hey guys, first of all, I'm sorry I didn't do a review yesterday, I'm on vacation and I don't always have the time to write x.x. To make it yup, I'll write two reviews today! To start things off, I bring you the all famous, all american, Hostess Twinkie! (for those of you who've seen Zombieland, didn't it made you crave a twinkie just from seeing how desperate Tallahassee was to eat one?) Anyway, lets review!

Packaging: These come in a traditional Hosstess cardboard box, but in the store I got my twinkie at, they are sol individually in theire clear plastic bags.

 The twinkie: The twinkie is shapped like cilinder with a flat bottom. It's made out of yellow/golden sponge and has white cream on the inside.

The Flavour: The sponge is nice and fluffy, it tastes like regular yellow cake sponge. The cream is rich and has a distinct vanilla flavour. It tastes like a frosted vanilla cupcake, nothing special but not bad. Tv made have high expectations guys, this did not live up to them, though. If the cream had a stronger flavour (online they talk about the original banana cream filling, that sounds sooooo good!) I would like it more.

 Rating: 7 out of 10
Overall, not bad, I expected better, though. For the novelty, it's worth a try.

Store: Glood

Price: 1,65 euros

segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

Apple Jellow Drink

Review nr. 34!! Hey everybody, I am back and with another drink! (sorry guys, I got a lot of drinks to review at the same time :s) Anyways, this isn't you average, run of the mill, juice. Nah Ha, this is apple jellow juice! Apple juice withe jellow!
If you've been following the blog for a while you know I love jellow like things, so I just had to pic this up. Let's give it a taste!

Packaging: These come in a red plastic, Caprisone like, bag, with a white plastic cap and top, drawings of apples and jellow and the Cici logo.

The drink: im not sure you can see it in the picture but this apple juice comes with clear jellow cubes inside! Texture wise, this is incredible! I believe every single kid would love this (like I do, because I'm like 5 on the inside...) Sooooo fun to drink!

The Flavour: surprisingly, the amazing jellow bits actually taste like the juice, which is great. Jellow aside, this has actually pretty good juice, nice strong, apple flavour. I love every lovelly strange thing about it!

Rating: 9,3 out of 10
Overall, so much fun to drink, whether you are a kid or not! Give it a shot! (just rhymed, I feel like a rapper now XDD not)

Store: Supermecado Hua Ta Li

Price: 0,35 euros

domingo, 4 de agosto de 2013

Sunkist Mango

 Review nr. 33!! Hey guys, today I have a drink I'm not even sure is foreign, but I've never seen it before. It also says it's the "taste of California" so I'm assuming it's american. It's called Sunkist and I got it in the mango flavour!

Packaging: Sunkist Mango comes in a orangy/yellowish can with a flowery green pattern on top. Front and center is the Sunkist logo, outlined in swirly blue, wave-like, lines. The top and bottom of the can are plain silver, as usual.

The Drink: the liquid is fizzy and really bright, neon like, orange. I don't know if it looks cool or radioactivily dangerous....

The Flavour: First of all, this is extra fizzy, the first thing you'll taste is the gas. After that the mango will star to show but just for a brief moment, then you are left with a sour aftertaste, like medicine. Like those effervescent orange things for you stomach. Not that pleasent...

Rating: 6,5 out of 10
Overall, the mango taste is pretty good, but the aftertaste is awfull. If you don't mind that, it's nice.

Store: (random one euro store that sells food)

Price: 1 euro

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013

Hawthorn Sweets

 Review nr. 32!! Guys, today I'm talking about something that I knew very little about and had to do a little google research before reviewing it.
So, these sweets are called hawthorn pieces. The hawthorn is a common plant in asia and europe which produces red "berry" like fruits called haws (I've seen these plants around, but I always thought the berries were poisonous...). These sweets are made out of dried jam made with the haws. They suposedly have medicinal porpuses (good for people with hearth problems) and are categorized as "health food". Anyways, let's review it!

Packaging: These come in a clear plastic box with about 4 clear plastic bags. Great to bring in your bag as a quick snack and great portion control.

The Sweets: The sweets are thin, reddish brown, coin like circles of leathery, dried fruit, with some sugar cristals. They smell kind of coppery.

The Flavour: At first, I'm not gonna lie, these taste like rust, a lot. It's disgusting. But then the fruit flavour comes out and it's a mix between marmalade and raisens. Not my favourite thing ever...but not that bad (my parents love these though)

Rating: 6 out of 10
Overall, not my thing, I think it's more of an old people's healthy type snack. If you have a heart problem though, maybe give them a try.

Store: Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,95 euros

sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013

Blueberry Cheesecake Pretz

 Review nr. 31!! Hey guys, so a couple of days ago I made a tiramisu pretz review but I also got blueberry cheesecake flavoured ones to compare them with. So that's what we'll be doing today! On with the review!

Packaging: these come in a purple cardboard box with the Pretz Double logo, the Glico logo, a picture of the pretz sticks and of a cheesecake. Inside there is a silver plastic bags containing the sticks.

The sticks: the sticks are regular pocky like bisquit but dusted with purple flavouring powder on one side. They smell a lot like berries.

The flavour: To me, these are actually nicer than the tiramisu ones, but I love berry flavours, so I'm biased. They're nice and crunchy and have a distinct mixed berry flavour that mixes well with the cookie flavour. Nice berry tasting snack.

Rating:7,2 out of 10
Overall, better than the tiramisu ones, in my opinion. Nice cookie like snack to bring to work or school.

Store: Supermercado Hua Ta Li

Price:1,20 euros

quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013

Asian Ice-Pops

 Review nr. 30!! Oh my God guys I can't believe I've been doing this for a entire month :o I'm really proud of myself for commiting to this, not gonna lie :3 Hope there will be many more monthly celebration in the future!
To celebrate this I bring you something from my preteen days! So, when I was in like the 7th or 8th grade (I was about 12/13 years old) I used to go with my friends to a cafe close to school during the lunch brake and get a special kind of ice-pops: these asian ice-pops!
(back then I didn't know they where asian of course, just that they were different and I liked them)

Packaging: These come in a plastic bag (back at the cafe they didn't) and they come in different flavours (at the store they had strawberry, which I chose, lemon, and pinnaple). The cool thing about these ice-pops is that they come in a wierd plastic container which looks like two test tubes stuck together.

How to eat: to eat them, you freeze them and then, when they are completely frozen, you separate the two tubes by cracking the container in half (which is actually easier than it looks) then you suck the ice-pops trough the plastic, one tube at a time.

The flavour: these bring so many good memories *.* but even if you're not nostalgic they are good! Normally I don't even like ice-pops because you end up sucking all the juice quickly and getting a bunch of tastless ice left. These are different because the ice doesn't freeze solic, it freezes into little pieces, like a slushy, so the taste lasts untill the end of the ice-pop! Plus they have a nice strawberry flavour, great for these hot summer days!

Rating: 8,5 out of 10
Overall, great summer treat, refreshing, fun and tasty! Give them a try!

Store Supermercado Chen

Price: 0,65 euros

quarta-feira, 31 de julho de 2013

Yet Another Marzipan Chocolate

Review nr. 29!! Hey guys, I know I've reviewed mazipan chocolate before but I swear this one is different! (plus I really like marzipan chocolate... .-.) To start, this brand is cheaper and more common here in Portugal. The marzipan in these is not the usual soft almond paste, but an almond cream which contains alcohol. And finally, this is not a chocolate bar, but little chocolate cubes. (cute and helps with portion control)

Packaging: the chocolate comes in a red cardboard box with the Schogetten logo, pictures of the cubes and of some marzipan. Inside there is silver foil sorounding the cubes.

The cubes: the cubes are made of thick dark chocolate with white/beige almond cream inside. The top of the cube as a cute star/sun design.

The Flavour: I actually preffer the chocolate in these to the fancy one. It's thicker and richer, more noticeable. The cream is really nice, doesn't have as great of a texture as the other one but still good. I really like these, I really do.

Rating: 8,3 out of 10
Overall, really good chocolate. I gave them a slightly higher rating than the other one for the chocolate quality alone. If you like marzipan, pick these up because they're yummy and easier to find.

Store: Continente

Price: unknown

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Cream Soda

 Review nr. 28!! Hey guys remember my first review in this blog? The vanilla cola? Well today I brought something similar to see if it tasted the same: cream soda. This particular cream soda is made with "aged vanilla", both real and artificial, acording to the label.
The cola also had vanilla, but it was just a hint over the traditional Coca-Cola taste. This drink has no cola so it should be different, right? Let us see!

Packaging: The soda comes in a silver and cream/coperish-gold can with the brand "A&W" logo and the flavour in brown letters. It also says the vanilla thing I mentioned before.

The soda: The soda is a golden color and carbonated, it creats a nice foam when you pour it into a glass. From the picture it kind of looks like beer, I asure you it isn't, it's not even alcoholic.

The Flavour: As soon as I tasted this the word that came to mind wasn't "vanilla", it was "caramel" . But not like the caramely flavour of cola, it's not like cola at all, let's get that clear. It's actually a mix of traditional sweet caramel and vanilla. Like vanilla fudge. Really sweet but enjoyable.

Rating: 7 out of 10
Overall, pretty good but just a little bit too sweet for me, I wouldn't be able to drink a whole can. But if you enjoy sweets a lot, go for it!

Store: Glood

Price: 1,25 euros